Young migrants of African origin in Germany have low educational levels. A relatively large proportion of these kids rarely achieve the A level -/Abitur qualification. Moreover a large proportion of them end up dropping out completely and this is quite disturbing.
Another major problem is the lack of incentives to motivate these kids to pursue higher academic goals. It must however be noted that motivation is crucial for success in the educational system, It has not been possible for the German school system to compensate for these deficiencies in schools where children of African decent attend.
African Youth Education Awards is here to fill in that motivational gap. It is a platform where we encourage the Kids to stay in school by awarding them and also introducing them to mentors who also educate them on why they should stay in school.

Set Goals
Apply for the next AYE Awards
To be eligible, you must be of African/Carribean origin who has successfully completed vocational studies or a trade and attained either a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree in Germany .
So far over 40 students from 8 different African countries and 1 Carribean nation have been awarded.
The countries include: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Namibia, Togo and Martinique. Over 2000 people have attended the yearly event.